
A.I.M. Computer
Computer Management;  Information PerformanceSM Phone: 619-916-7811       E-Mail
Fix your computer over the Internet & Computer Consulting Services
Computer Consulting:   Complete Software and Hardware Solutions.

     (Home Page)      Enlarge to 120% to 150% on Desktop CTL ( + / - )   New Hosting Provider    Test the Speed of YOUR Internet
Computer Help with Personal Computers: Tuning, Maintenance, Security, & Education.
   NOT PRIVATE WEBMAIL Yahoo Mail (1TB free)  Hotmail (Outlook) (5GB)  Gmail (15GB (with Photos)  ATT [email protected] (1TB free)
  ProtonMail Secure and PRIVATE EMAIL   Investment Adviser   CPA and PFS   Morningstar   IBD   Investor's Business Daily      

  Employment-to-population ratio     REAL UNEMPLOYMENT   (27 Weeks & over) Jan 2022 (25.9% )
National Mosaic - National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image Loop  NOAA geostationary (GOES) satellites

How to Fix the Healthcare system is Known:    Sick Around the World,  FRONTLINE        

How to thwart the GOP war on Medicaid - Simply make Medicaid like Medicare. Remove it from state control

I’ve been homeless 3 times. The problem isn’t drugs or mental illness — it’s poverty.   BEST:  https://www.internet-radio.com/ 
Homelessness Is a Tragedy the U.S. Can Afford to Fix
    https://www.marketwatch.com/   https://finance.yahoo.com/
We’re Measuring the Economy All Wrong   The official statistics say that the financial crisis is behind us. It's not

Twelve Million Phones, One Data set, Zero Privacy

    Computer Consulting                 Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS  
    Computer Help Technical      Solar thermal power   Photo-voltaic power
*    Software Testing (Beta Site) for Commercial Software; Backup programs; Anti Virus program   

*    Current Projects                     Offshore wind farms   Onshore wind farms

*    Your Computer Security        Best design and World's tallest Building   London Array Video   London Array info
*    Cyber Investigations                Best Countries for Raising Kids
*    Your Computer Privacy        The most expensive countries to raise a child


You’re being watched. Are you okay with that?
Introducing the Privacy Project from The New York Times Opinion. An ongoing series. Learn more.

Stop Windows 10 From Spying And Tracking You

The Privacy Project: Do You Know Who’s Watching You?

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Current Projects

*     Complete PC Software and Hardware Solutions: Computer Tuning and Maintenance.

*     Software Testing (Beta Site) for Commercial Software; Backup programs and Anti Virus Programs; Others.

*     Providing Computer Hard Disk Backups to prevent information loss from your computer.

     Providing Computer Virus checking, or Virus removal.

     Providing Computer Spyware checking so your computer doesn't get spied on.

*     Computer Security and Computer Education.             
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                  Fix your computer over the Internet and Computer Consulting Services 

                 Check out Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS above; enjoy!!

Your Computer Security

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*          Understanding and preparing for potential security problems keeps
            your computer files safe, and your computer operational.

          A Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is an expert group that handles computer security incidents.                            
          Alternative names for such groups include Computer Emergency Readiness Team
          and Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).                                                            

usa flag US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team

Part of the National Cyber Security Division of the United States Department of Homeland Security.[29]
National Cyber security and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)

 Do Not - Use the Default Windows Administrator account for anything
but installing programs and Maintenance

 Make a - User account - for email and surfing the web.

If - you use the Administrator account - to surf the web or for email any viruses or malicious program
you get or
download by accident will have - full control of your computer.

Create a user account - Windows7 - Microsoft 

Create a user account - Windows8 - Microsoft

How to create and configure a User account in Windows 10

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          General Computer Security Information

               United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team  (US-CERT)   

               Cyber Security Tips    Provide advice about common security issues for the general public.

                 Tips describe and offer advice about common security issues for non-technical computer users.  

               National Cyber Alert System   --->
                 Get emails about security problems from US-CERT
                 is part of the Department of Homeland Security just like experts.

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History of CERT or Computer Emergency Response Team

The name "Computer Emergency Response Team" was first used in 1988 by the CERT Coordination Center (CERT-CC) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The abbreviation CERT of the historic name was picked up by other teams around the world. Some teams took on the more specific name of CSIRT to point out the task of handling computer security incidents instead of other tech support work, and because CMU was threatening to take legal action against individuals or organizations who referred to any other team than CERT-CC as a CERT. After the turn of the century, CMU relaxed its position, and the terms CERT and CSIRT are now used interchangeably.

The history of CERT's is linked to the existence of Malware, especially computer worms and viruses. Whenever a new technology arrives, its misuse is not long in following. The first worm in the IBM VNET was covered up. Shortly after, a worm hit the Internet on 3 November 1988, when the so-called Morris Worm paralyzed a good percentage of it. This led to the formation of the first computer emergency response team at Carnegie Mellon University under U.S. Government contract. With the massive growth in the use of information and communications technologies over the subsequent years, the now-generic term 'CERT'/'CSIRT' refers to an essential part of most large organizations' structures. In many organizations the CERT evolves into an information security operations center.

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         FBI Cyber Investigations

For very serious Internet crimes. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is

a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).

Prior to filing a complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3),
please read the following information regarding terms and conditions.
Should you have additional questions prior to filing your complaint,
view https://www.ic3.gov/Home/FAQ
for more information on inquiries such as:

What details will I be asked to include in my complaint?
What happens after I file a complaint?
How are complaints resolved?
Should I retain evidence related to my complaint?
The information I've provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine,
imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001)The IC3 is co-sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
Complaints filed via this web site are processed and may be referred to federal, state, local or international law enforcement
or regulatory agencies for possible investigation.
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I understand any investigation opened on any complaint I file on this web site is initiated at the discretion of the law enforcement
and/or regulatory agency receiving the complaint information.            

(This link opens in a new window, as it will not open in frames, or does not return to my website)

File a Complaint >>https://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx

Help us catch suspects wanted in computer intrusion cases:
Visit our Featured Fugitives Cyber Crimes web page to use the power of the web
against the very criminals who seek to exploit it.  

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      More Information Here:    Computer Help Technical

                  Fix your computer over the Internet and Computer Consulting Services 

                 Check out Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS above; enjoy!!

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          How to Secure Your Smart phone   

           Resolved: How to Keep Your Computer Safe, Clean, and Backed Up

Backup you Computer at Least Once a Week; and Backup you Data Separately
If your Data is Important to you

More Information Here:    Computer Help Technical Important updates about Backup programs

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                  Fix your computer over the Internet and Computer Consulting Services 

                 Check out Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS above; enjoy!!

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               What you need to know to keep your privacy!

Manually Delete all the files in this directory for each user:
C:\Documents and Settings\  (Your User Name)  (login account) \Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
with XP right click your desktop and create new shortcut, when it ask for the location
enter: "C:\Documents and Settings\robinson.AIMCMP4\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
for example. Then click on the shortcut daily,
(I do not know why, just answer yes to security question), select all files and delete.

         Here is why you need to this above:

This section update 4/30/2019


You’re being watched. Are you okay with that?

Introducing the Privacy Project from The New York Times Opinion. An ongoing series. Learn more.

The Privacy Project: Do You Know Who’s Watching You?

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Tracking Phones, Google Is a Dragnet for the Police

1)The Web's New Gold Mine:
Your Secrets What are Web Beacons

2) Otherwise known as Web Bugs,
and how do the work?

3)To All About Cookies.org
Privacy Concerns on Cookies (working)

4) How Companies Collect Your Private
Information When You Browse Online Welcome

5) Everyone�s Trying to Track What You Do
on the Web: Here�s How to Stop Them

6) Six ways - your tech - is spying on you - and how to turn it off

7) How to Avoid the Prying Eyes
The Internet is rife with surveillance technology,
but you can cover some of your tracks

8)Escaping the ‘Scrapers’
The Internet has given rise to a dizzying
array of people-search
sites and data brokers that
gather and compile public
information and social-
networking profiles. The sites
gather information from public sources such as property
records and telephone listings,
and other information is
harvested by “scraping”
— or copying — web sites
where people post
information about themselves


9) The Privacy Enthusiast's Guide to Using Android

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More Information Here:    Computer Help Technical

                  Fix your computer over the Internet and Computer Consulting Services 

                 Check out Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS above; enjoy!!

More Information Here:    Computer Help Technical


            (This link opens in a new window, as it will not open in frames, or does not return to my website)
            SpamCop    http://www.spamcop.net          Report Spam

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NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology airplane

quite supersonic

NASA’s X-59 is a one-of-a-kind airplane designed to fly at
supersonic speeds without making annoying, if not alarming, sonic booms below.

X-59 Resembles Actual Aircraft

X-59 picture


Boeing X-37     X-37B fact sheet    US Air Force Launches X-37B Space Plane on 4th Mystery Mission

10.09.2015       Changed proportions and sizes of graphics so this front page load twice as fast; although now not prefect.

PORTLAND, OREGON - June 26, 2011 - A break in the clouds
Sunday evening lights the top of Mt Hood as boaters from the
Columbia River head to the docks . Brent Wojahn/The Oregonian

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     Fix your computer over the Internet and Computer Consulting Services 

                 Check out Computer Help Technical and NEWS PAGES, TRAVEL, CAMS above; enjoy!!

 Phone: 619-916-7811       E-Mail     AIM Computer, P.O. Box 84498, San Diego, California, 92138.     

Web Page by Alan H. Robinson Jr for AIM Computer, Not for profit.      Last revised: 09 September 2024  © all rights reserved. gg

This page has been viewed 12 times.

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